Tuesday, June 21, 2011

1 week old!

What a sweet baby!  So laid back and easy going.  Rarely a cry ever escapes.  We went to doc and she weighs in at 7 lb 3 oz. so she has lost weight.  Doc also heard a hip click.  We will go in 2 weeks to have a hip ultrasound and make sure it is not hip dysplasia.  I am of course stressing about it.  I also went to doc and he removed my staples, still in lots of discomfort from c-section.  Breastfeeding is going ok, monkey eats every 3 hours.  She nurses during the day and gets formula at night.  This worked well with the others so we are just doing what works.  I am trying to stick with the nursing rather than pumping exclusively like I did with Landon and Press.  I am still pumping 2 times a day b/c I make so much, I want to stock up the freezer.  Having my mother in law here has been such a huge help with my older 2 kids.  With it being summer, he kids are bored and are missing the structure. 

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