Tuesday, June 21, 2011

1 week old!

What a sweet baby!  So laid back and easy going.  Rarely a cry ever escapes.  We went to doc and she weighs in at 7 lb 3 oz. so she has lost weight.  Doc also heard a hip click.  We will go in 2 weeks to have a hip ultrasound and make sure it is not hip dysplasia.  I am of course stressing about it.  I also went to doc and he removed my staples, still in lots of discomfort from c-section.  Breastfeeding is going ok, monkey eats every 3 hours.  She nurses during the day and gets formula at night.  This worked well with the others so we are just doing what works.  I am trying to stick with the nursing rather than pumping exclusively like I did with Landon and Press.  I am still pumping 2 times a day b/c I make so much, I want to stock up the freezer.  Having my mother in law here has been such a huge help with my older 2 kids.  With it being summer, he kids are bored and are missing the structure. 

Thursday, June 16, 2011

welcome Channing!

born at 3:10 p.m. on 6/14/11 weighing at 7 lb. 14 oz. 20 inches long.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Me at 39 weeks......

How far along? Channing and I are starting our 39th week together.  She will be born TOMORROW June 14th via scheduled c-section (this will be my 3rd c-section)

Heartbeat? 151bpm

Total weight gain/loss: Yeah right. I'm not falling for this one. around 30 lbs...

Maternity clothes? of course... I refuse to buy anymore clothes, since this WILL be my last. I have bought some regular flowy clothes.... Frankly, it is SOOOOO hot (100 degrees) and I am so OVER being pregnant, while I was nesting last week I packed up all my maternity clothes.  I am so tired of looking at them!  So now I am down to non-maternity maxi dresses and some nike stretchy shorts and tanks.  It is not real pretty.....
Stretch marks? No, using my awesome lotion that has kept them away the last 2 times, worked this far!

Weird Things Pregnancy Does to My Body: I am having contractions off and on all day, I spend alot of time in bed.   Sleep is hard, I have like 8 pillows.  poor craig :)
Sleep? my mind is racing and I am thinking of all the things that I can/need to do before baby comes.  I have had to take benedryl to sleep.
Best moment this week: Giving Landon and Pressley gifts from Channing.  Channing wrote special notes on each item on how she treasures her big brother/sister and what each gift represents or means. Pressley got a big sister bucket that had a big sister toolbelt (cute apron with with wipeys, paci, baby toys) so she can help with Channing.  She also got a big sister bracelet, some books (read to Channing), stuffed animal (give lots of hugs kisses), shirt, princess nightgown (so she can show Channing how to be a princess like Pressley is)  .   Landon got a DS game (Channing can't wait to watch Landon play), books (he wants to teach Channing baby sign language), lego puzzle book, sidewalk paint (to draw special pics while Channing is in hospital).
Movement: Channing is quite the mover and shaker.  At this point, there is no more room and she has decreased fluids.  At the doc appt today, we said she is SO ready!
Food cravings: Strawberries & salads (for those that know me, know that I hate veggies
Gender: I love how pink is my world.
Labor Signs: contrax have been painful for the last month, basically have them all the time, but they get worse in the evenings.  Nothing steady.
Belly Button in or out? in the middle- but does not stick out of my shirt.  My belly is really not that big this time (I was much bigger with last 2).  People are constantly commenting on how small I am for being full term.
What I miss: oh where do I start??? Looking forward to NOT being pregnant this summer!

What I am looking forward to: holding my sweet baby and kissing her sweet head.
Milestones: Channing is now the size of a watermelon and weighs in at almost 7 pounds!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Pregnant picture- 38 weeks!

I attended my friend Briana's baby shower, she is expecting a baby girl in July.  Our girls will be great friends!!!
It has been up to 100 this week, ugh.  I am trying to stay indoors and cool.  9 more days!!!